As we say goodbye to September and the clock ticks towards October, you’ll often see spooky decorations being hung up or sold in supermarkets/grocery stores, or bubble tea shops gearing up for a fright night – that’s right, Halloween is coming soon!
Halloween is an exciting night for both kids and adults, but have you wondered about where this festival comes from? Read on to learn more!

What is Halloween?
Halloween or Hallowe’en (a contraction of “All Hallows’ evening”) is celebrated in many countries on 31st October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows’ or All Saints Day.
The event also marks the beginning of Allhallowtide – a season to commemorate the dead.
Although the festival has ties to Christianity, celebration in Europe and North America are mostly non-religious. Anybody can join in on the fun!
Where did this holiday come from?
Halloween’s origins date back to the festival of Samhain among the Celts of ancient Britain and Ireland. The Celts believed that this day, corresponding to November 1st nowadays, is the first day of the new year.
This day marked not only the end of summer and the harvest, but also the beginning of the winter period – a time of year that was often associated with human death.
During the Samhain festival, the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred. The souls were believed to return to visit their homes, and those who had died during the year were said to journey to the other world.

How did Halloween become popular in the United States?
European immigrants to the United States in the 19th century, especially the millions of Irish fleeing the Irish Potato Famine, brought Halloween customs with them and helped to popularize this holiday around the country.
By the 20th century, Halloween had become one of the principal holidays in the United States, especially among children.
5 Fun Halloween Facts You Didn’t Know:
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